Friday, January 30, 2009

The Beginning

Hello and welcome,

I'm Jon Vaughn:) I've been training methods and strategies to trade on the foreign exchange market, and thought it be nice to have a little communal place of my own to talk about stuff and share ideas:) I'm currently in OC, California, so if any day traders are in the area I would love to share Skype info, email, Facebook, etc. I will use this blog to discuss new scalping methods I have been using, and also what currencies, brokerages, and all that good stuff. Since this is my first posting, I just thought I'd break down what I'd be adding next.

-Post of a list of links to different free beginners programs/forums where newbies can check out what Forex is about.
-Post of a list of links to different comparison sites where brokerages and what benefits each brokerage can provide for what type of trader.
-Post quotes and other nice little bits and pieces of philosophy one can adapt into their trader's mentality.

I would love any suggestions or ideas of other helpful posts to start out with and remember it's only fun if you participate and leave comments!

~Your Ride Conductor,

Jon Vaughn & Richard Too

Special "Thank You" to my mom without whom it would have all been just a dream...


  1. Hi Jon,
    In the spirit of BAD
    Outta the Cornfield has linked to you.

    This could be your lucky day, One Fly

  2. Hi Jon, hi Richard, I'm very proud of you guys for setting up this blog/site. Have fun and good luck!

    By the way, I'd like to see more pictures, more pictures please! 8-)

    Your #5 Aunt Helen

  3. Hey!That was really cool for Jon to acknowledge and offer gratitude to his Mom! You're going places, man!

    Here's a quote to inspire us all;

    "All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind."
    - Aristotle

    Dr. Mark

  4. Hi Jon, hi Richard,l think this is a great website and l think Jon you will do it very good,l really happy to see this happen and goodluck to you

    Henry and Rachel :)
